18 September 2015

Supporting Projects

VISIR has received funding from following European Projects:



    • MISSION (Horizon Europe, duration: 2024-2027)  – Maritime just-in-time optimisation interoperable port call and voyage optimisation tool
    • EDITO-Model Lab (Horizon Europe, duration: 2023-2025)  – European Digital Twin of the Ocean – Model Laboratory
    • FRAMESPORT (Italy-Croatia Interreg, duration: 2020-2023)- Framework initiative fostering the sustainable development of Adriatic small ports
    • EMODPACE (EuropeAid, duration: 2020-2022)  – EMODnet PArtnership for China and Europe
    • GUTTA (Italy-Croatia Interreg, duration: 2019-2022)- savinG fUel and emissions from mariTime Transport in the Adriatic region
    • ANDROMEDA (Horizon 2020, duration: 2019-2021)- An EnhaNceD Common InfoRmatiOn Sharing EnvironMent for BordEr CommanD, Control and CoordinAtion Systems
    • AtlantOS (Horizon 2020, duration: 2015-2019)-Optimizing and enhancing the integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System
    • ARGES (Greece-Italy Interreg, duration: 2013-2015)- pAssengeRs and loGistics information Exchange System
    • TESSA (PON Italy, duration: 2012-2015)- TEchnologies for the Situational Sea Awareness
    • IONIO (Greece-Italy Interreg, duration: 2012-2014)-IONian Integrated marine Observatory