VISIR-2 v5 released

  The fifth version of the VISIR-2 ship weather routing model has been released today. This latest update, available on Zenodo, introduces new functionalities and bug fixes. Notable improvements include clearer inline comments in the input namelists, which help configure numerical simulations, and an enhanced graphical user interface that simplifies port code searches. The user manual Read more about VISIR-2 v5 released[…]

VISIR-2 video tutorial

A common request from the feedback form of VISIR-2 was for a video tutorial to help with installation and first-run operations. CMCC has addressed that by creating this short video, which we hope you’ll find helpful. The feedback form remains open for any further feedback!

VISIR-2 feedback form

A simple yet structured online form is now available for providing feedback on the VISIR-2 ship weather routing model. The form includes a combination of open- and closed-ended questions to capture users’ impressions of the Python-based software. The collected feedback will help guide the strategy for improving VISIR-2, with updates reflected in future releases. The Read more about VISIR-2 feedback form[…]

New release of VISIR-2

As part of CMCC Foundation‘s ongoing commitment to enhancing the open-source VISIR-2 ship routing model, a new update has been released today. This release introduces new functionalities and resolves a bug, improving the overall user experience. Users can now search for ports of call using their international codes via the dedicated graphical interface. Additionally, for those Read more about New release of VISIR-2[…]

Two new papers on VISIR-2

The Python-coded ship weather routing model VISIR-2 has been documented in two peer-reviewed papers published this year. The first, published in Geoscientific Model Development, provides a comprehensive overview of the model’s geometry, kinematics, vessel performance modelling, path optimisation procedures, and visualisation capabilities. The paper also assesses the model’s numerical performance and demonstrates its application by evaluating Read more about Two new papers on VISIR-2[…]


During the peer-review of the latest manuscript regarding the VISIR model ( it became apparent that a cartographic projection was missing.‍. This oversight impacted ship course calculations . The bug has been addressed by releasing a new version of VISIR-2 (Python) and applying a patch to VISIR-1 (Matlab). It is strongly recommended to download the Read more about IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL VISIR USERS[…]

VISIR-2: both preprint and source code published

Today, a manuscript detailing the comprehensive documentation of the Python-coded VISIR-2 ship routing model has been released. VISIR-2, an open-source model, is designed to calculate least-CO2 routes in the presence of waves and currents. Additionally, it determines least-time routes for sailboats, considering both currents and leeway. This modular, Python-coded system has been validated and is Read more about VISIR-2: both preprint and source code published[…]

VISIR-2 routes on the EMOD-PACE map viewer

The EMOD-PACE (EMODnet PArtnership for China and Europe) project now displays VISIR-2 routes on its map viewer. Least-CO2 routes of a 800 TEU feeder (a small container ship) calling at Singapore and other harbours along the maritime silk road can be explored via the viewer. The routes were computed for several months and departures dates Read more about VISIR-2 routes on the EMOD-PACE map viewer[…]

GUTTA-VISIR presented at international workshop

The GUTTA-VISIR system (here a video-tutorial) was presented by Gianandrea Mannarini in the frame of the “decarbonisation” session of the “Journey of a droplet to the ocean of decarbonisation” workshop, chaired by the journalist Marina Lalovic. The presentation regarded the functioning of the system, devised for computing least-CO2 ferry routes from wave and current forecasting Read more about GUTTA-VISIR presented at international workshop[…]

GUTTA-VISIR released in beta

The beta version of a service for operational ship routing for ferries in the Adriatic Sea was released on Oct.8, 2021. The service, called GUTTA-VISIR, allows the user to browse CO2-optimal routes, taking into account wave and sea current forecasts. GUTTA-VISIR enables discovery of optimal routes with several departure dates and times, and even for Read more about GUTTA-VISIR released in beta[…]