VISIR model source code on Zenodo

The source code of VISIR-1.b (Mannarini & Carelli, Geosci. Model Dev., 2019) can also be downloaded  from Zenodo. The VISIR release published on Zenodo is identical to the one on and includes all files and documentation necessary for running the simulations shown in the paper and preparing the figures. Should you experience any troubles Read more about VISIR model source code on Zenodo[…]

new job post: Software Developer for the Digital Ocean Applications

A software developer position is available to support the Applications Research Unit (lead: Gianandrea Mannarini) of the OPA Division of CMCC, in Lecce (Italy). Successful candidates will be engaged in processing both observed and model maritime data, and in particular in:  supporting VISIR model code developments porting/recoding/re-engineering/developing new numerical procedures based on heterogeneous maritime data Read more about new job post: Software Developer for the Digital Ocean Applications[…]

VISIR-1.b: peer-reviewed paper and source code published

A new milestone in VISIR development is now achieved: following last February’s publication of the model source code on Zenodo, a peer-reviewed paper describing the new model version 1.b has been published this week on the Geoscientific Model Development journal. The paper includes derivation of the equations for vessel advection from ocean currents, validation of Read more about VISIR-1.b: peer-reviewed paper and source code published[…]

VISIR and AIS presentation wins the best presentation award at TransNav2019

The presentation “Preliminary Inter-comparison of AIS Data and Optimal Ship Tracks” by G.Mannarini, L.Carelli, D.Zissis, G.Spiliopoulos, and K.Chatzikokolakis has received the best presentation award at TransNav2019, the 13th International Conference on marine navigation and safety of sea transportation (Gdynia, Poland, June 12-14 2019). The prize was awarded by Prof. Adam Weintrit of the Gdynia Maritime University and the winning presentation Read more about VISIR and AIS presentation wins the best presentation award at TransNav2019[…]

PhD scholarship on “Raising operational efficiency of shipping via meteo-oceanographic information”

For the first time, University of Bologna will run a PhD programme in “Future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenge” with a scholarship on “Raising operational efficiency of shipping via meteo-oceanographic information”, under funding by CMCC.  In particular, it will assess the contribution of ship route optimization by means of meteo-oceanographic information (analysis and forecast fields) Read more about PhD scholarship on “Raising operational efficiency of shipping via meteo-oceanographic information”[…]

VISIR evaluated vs. AIS tracks

First end-to-end evaluation of VISIR vs. actually sailed ship tracks (as reported through AIS data) provided by Dimitris Zissis and his team of MarineTraffic. This will allow investigating actual optimization options taken by ships. The work is accepted for TransNav2019 and a preprint is available on Zenodo. Read here the full press release.

VISIR-1.b: the fully-open model upgrade for including ocean currents

We have just published the latest VISIR manuscript, with a thorough description of its governing equations, validation, performance, extensive case studies, videos, and a full release of the model source code (LGPL license), including user manual and install script, input and output data. The manuscript starts today its open peer-reviewing process on Geoscientific Model Development Read more about VISIR-1.b: the fully-open model upgrade for including ocean currents[…]

VISIR developments to address IMO’s ambition on low carbon shipping

International Maritime Organization‘s ambition to reduce carbon intensity of International shipping (part of MEPC.304(72)) is now addressed through new VISIR developments in the Atlantic Ocean. A web application ( allows discovering optimal tracks making use of waves and ocean currents and assessing their relative EEOI savings with respect to navigation along least-distance tracks.